I am a strong believer in honesty is the best policy.
The majority of the products or items mentioned on this blog have been purchased with my own money. On any occasion that I receive a product or item to review, I will write it clearly in the post and note it with a '*'.
Regardless of how I came about the product or item, all opinions expressed here are my own and are 100% honest and unbiased. I am not paid for the reviews I do. I only tend to mention products that I like, but will occasionally throw in a few reviews of disappointing products. All the products mentioned and reviewed have been used by myself to form the opinion which I share with you.
I am a Sigma Beauty Affiliate - Any relevant links to the Sigma website are affiliate links.
All photos on this blog have been taken by me, unless stated/creditted otherwise. Please refrain from using them without my permission. Thank you.