Just An Update

Thursday 1 July 2010

This is just a little update about a couple of things.

You may or may not have noticed that I finally put a header up! I was stressed due to exams and needed something to distract me during the England vs. Germany game on Saturday, so I decided to spend some time on Photoshop. I don't know if you can tell but the pictures are of Audrey Hepburn. I can't remember where I found the image now... What do you think? I really like it :)

I've realised a lot of my posts are very 'same-y' (Is that even a word?!), and I'm just going to put my lack of imagination down to my brain being overused for revision/exams, lol. Hopefully now that my uni exams are pretty much over (Only 1 left!), I will be posting about more of a variety of things.

I've decided not to do "Saturday Quotes" every week. I'll just post them every now and again when I find good quotes. I will still be continuing to post pictures for "Picture Tuesday", but I will be making it a fortnightly thing instead of weekly. I'm just making this change, because I feel like the majority of my posts are ending up just being pictures and/or quotes.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a quick thank you to my current followers. It's nice to know that people are reading my blog and (hopefully) enjoying my posts. :)

Just so that this entry isn't text only, I decided to include this photo that I took out of my uni halls window recently. I love summer. :)

I hope you're all well! xoxo, Joy


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