Life Lately #2

Friday, 22 March 2013

Pandas at Changsha zoo - The pandas are brown and black, rather than white and black as apparently they're in need of a bath! Haha.

Changsha, Hunan, China

Shaoshan, Hunan, China

1) I'm back from China! I got back on Sunday, but I've been ill and working so I haven't had the chance to blog yet. It was a bit of a whirlwind trip of visiting family, eating far too much, going to the zoo and a theme park, trying to improve my Chinese and doing a spot of shopping. But I really enjoyed the trip and I definitely won't be leaving it eight years until I visit again.

2) I was featured on the Sigma Affiliate Blog in a UK Global Focus post, which is pretty exciting! I was asked to recreate my favourite look and write a little about it. I decided on a classic red lip, where I kept the eye makeup fairly simple so that the focus could be on a bold red lip. I would say my makeup application skills are average at best, so it was really an honour to be featured on the blog among other more talented bloggers and youtubers. It did, however, make me realise how much I hate taking self portraits!

3) When I got back from China, I found out that Google are retiring Google Reader. I'm quite saddened by this, as I use Google Reader to catch up on all the blogs I follow. However, Bloglovin' has made it super easy to import all the blogs I was following on Google Reader to Bloglovin by going to, which is a godsend. If you want to follow Dear Joy on Bloglovin, you can do so here.

I hope you're all well! :)

Thank you for reading. xoxo, Joy


  1. Awww pandas are so sweet <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. Yeah, they are adorable! One was sat there chilling and leaning back for ages, haha x
